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How does agility help my child long-term?

You may be new to this “agility” concept for your child, but guess what? You’ve come to the right place! Let’s break it down.

What is agility?

Agility is the ability for one to move quickly and easily. Once agility is mastered, we can then add speed. When you have a young athlete who can be efficiently agile on their feet while moving quickly, look out!

How does agility & speed work together?

In order to get to that seamless transition of combining speed with agility, a foundational approach is necessary. This will ultimately help a young athlete’s future success. By beginning at the basic mechanics of ‘movement,’ your young athlete can: prevent bad habits, improve coordination, minimize risk of injury and most optimally succeed in their sport. This is why we do what we do!

How does this help long-term?

Whether your young athlete chooses to purse sports professionally or not, agility is a very valuable skill to have in their life. To be agile is to be able to move well. As we get older, we can easily become less agile. Allowing your young athlete to learn these skills early on in life is a preventative and optimal approach for longevity.

Why start now?

The older children get, habits are developed: both good and bad. Think about it – re-learning a skill and breaking bad habits takes much more effort and investment later down the road than approaching the skill correctly the first time. Introducing a concept from the beginning by trained experts allows a young athlete’s athletic experience to be more seamless, fun and overall enjoyable.

Why does my child struggle in their sport?

When your young athlete plays a sport, they may struggle performing in a game. However, more times than not, just by adding in agility training, the athlete begins to succeed at the sport, without sport-specific training. Why? Because the athlete lacked coordination and an understanding of how to optimally move their body for their benefit. Once the young athlete understands how to move their body, they aren’t thinking about this during a game, instead they are focused on performance, not movement. Now, their body is trained and can sub-consciously apply themselves while also minimizing risk of injury (i.e. spraining an ankle, tripping, colliding).

Our speed & agility sessions focus on a foundational approach to movement then encourages speed application. We help our young athlete’s develop basic mechanics of movements and follow through with mastery. We have sessions all over and encourage you to check out your closest APC location!